Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 17:11:31 +0100 (MET) Subject: Re: As usual Bob wrote: >so one could even argue that heid's silence here >was a kinda heroic integrity. Magnificent! In Dutch we have the saying: Dat geeft de burger moed. (This gives the bourgois courage, meaning: this is comfortable). Heidegger could have wait, as so many others did, till things would have become clear. But he decided to take a risk, only a very stupid one, as he admitted later. I doubt if someone here on this chat-list (incl. me) would have the courage to do so. >ultimately, of course, heid and b&t are somehow >a product, a "thrown-ness," of these same >material historical determinants. >leaving one less of a problem with his fascism >than his personal (especially husserl, eh) betrayals. >his failure to make good on them accounts. Now, from where are you talking now? Historical determinants only exist in the head. You can only say this because you are thrown in a moment, a product yourself. And we don't understand this and never will. And you can cling to what you want, the Other, personal knowledge, the Lebenswelt, all you get is concepts. By the way, I saw Husserl's notes in his specimen of 'Sein und Zeit': between them no conversation would be possible. And one word for all academic philosophers: It is Heidegger who gives you to eat. Where would we be without him? Hegel and Nietsche are completely dissected by now; the essence was gone before that. And now it is Heidegger's turn. So the annoying, Michael, is not the hiding of the truth of being, on the contrary: it is the distribution that makes it vanish definitely. And what regards 'Being' and 'Truth'. They were there, as long as there was metaphysics. Now there is no Being, only nothing, only the 'nichtet' of 'Das nichtende Nichts' or 'Das Seyn', which has nothing to do with "Das Sein', which Heidegger rather crosses out, or 'Das Ereignis". which is 'Das Er=E5ugnis", for which one is needing an eye and an ear together. But thanks for the 'integrity', René drs. R.B.M. de Bakker Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam Catalogisering Faculteiten tel. 020-5252368 --- from list ---
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