Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 13:59:21 -0500 (EST) Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany Dear Micheal, I deeply respect your knowledge of Hiedegger and as I have felt in regards to Husserl, that Hiedegger is often misunderstood because his critics have not gone to the heart of his thinking. I very much agree with you that his work is mistakenly overlooked because of his political mistake. However, I am also in agreement with Henk. Somewhere, Heidegger went wrong with his thinking. I don't believe that it just a political misjudgement of a naieve philosopher. I think you are begging Henk's questions which are important and can only serve to strenghten Heidegger's work when these answers are disclosed. Perhaps in your dialog with Henk the anwsers to these questions can emerge if you both can maintain an openness to looking beyond the usual catagories and osified positions as I believe you are both interested in doing. That Heidegger is not being thought about is tragic, it seems to me that if Henk's questions could be answered honestly he could assume his rightful place as one of the most important thinkers in history. with my deepest respect, Greg Borgerson --- from list ---
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