File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 107

Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 14:24:55 +0100
Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany


You write:
> Without having understood _alaetheia_ and thinking from within the space which
> this insight has opened, all talk about Heidegger remains empty, more or less
> sophisticated chatter. All talk of “fascistoid” tendencies remains empty
> rhetoric as long as it fails to make a connection with this deepest level of the
> thinking of being (which in no way should be pinned entirely to the person of
> Heidegger). (It’s akin to trying to dismiss Plato without having really
> understood what _eidos_ means.)
> That is the reason I cited the passage from Christian Lotz’s article. He comes
> to the heart of Heidegger’s thinking (the truth of being), balks, and resorts to
> polemics. This could be called the tactics of evasion of the heart of the issue
> at stake. Lotz is only one among very many.

Lotz tries to show that Husserl and Heidegger have more in 
common than Heidegger allows for. He is one of those who 
keep Heidegger alive - i.e. part of the philosophical 
For those who have devoted a lifetime to the study of his 
thinking it must be painful to see how others treat it as 
a thing: disssect it, quantify or qualify it, compare it, 
etc. etc. Anyhow ... not taking it for what it pretends 
to be - is. 

Kindest regards,

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