Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 22:18:48 -0800 In response to: > > The rhetoric of the First Nations people in Canada > > often smacks of Nazism, talking as they do of keeping the race pure - as > > do the "pur-laine" ideals of the Quebecois. But while, and only while, > > they offer those ideals only as individual decisions to be made, and not > > forcibly entrenched; and while and only while, they maintain and > > strengthen their heritage in order to take their place with others in the > > world, and not to take power over others in the world, there is little I > > can say to condemn them except to correct the biologism inherent in the > > idea of 'race', and correct it to a 'heritage' that they want to > maintain. I wrote: because I disagree with the above comment on the First Nation's in Canada; I am Canadian, married a South American Indian - were newly wed. That comment leaves out most people in Canada since most people I know are closed related to a French Canadian, my neice's father is French Canadian, my wife is Indian, and one of my sister's is married to African American. My lawyer friend is Metis, and he has had two marriages with children, both first nation descent, my great-great-great [GGG aunt was Cherokee], and my uncle,... you get the point. We would have to stop breeding to achieve racial purity. Around here blonds don't just have more fun, they have black haired babies. My god!!! RREEEEAAAADDDD TTTTHHHIIIIISSS!!! > Whomever, > > [First Nations]Second class citizens in their own land [Canada], and as unhappy > as they are about their truth situation [where treaties do not exist or treaty > rights have not been negotiated}, asserting, along the lines of > Habermas, that there are rules, proposed rules, for which claims may be > expressed in an "ideal speech situation", where the power of a group, or the > asymmetric power of a group, would not limit the potential of the group for > possible "self-expression", it stands that a group claim regarding a proposition > about it's own destiny is valid as it stands without analysis; inserting an > opinion that this is Nazi talk , as a counter claim, is not of any help. Nazi's as we > know did more than talk about a pure race, they murdered 7 million people they > did not want. Keeping ones' blood line pure does not mean or infer systematic > extermination, that's a fetch of wind to my imago. > > Heidegger was not attempting to egg any one on about Nazi sentimentality and > race purity ever... so this is hidious allusion is out of context in my > mind. What did Heidegger do in the 30's as Freiburg professor....? > > Heidegger supported the "resurgence" of Germany as the platform of the > Chancellor when Adolf Hitler of the Weimar Republic in 1933, on April 23rd. > On May 3 and 4th, 1933, the local papers of Frieburg announced the > registration of Heidegger into the Nazi party. Ten months later Heidegger > was no longer a member of the NSDAP movement. During this time Heidegger > was rector at the university of Freiburg his writings began to include > references to _Kampf_ > > [is this struggle as in my struggle? Mien Kampf & did he read Mein Kampf. > Probably didn't or would not have made reference to the title or was it > published even?], > > "military service" within the NSDAP where topics of science and 'being' > were discussed in his papers. Later as rector of the university Heidegger > was asked or "demanded" by two professors to fire two other professors who > were "openly hostile" to the NSDAP. Heidegger failed to ask the professors > to resign, and later resigned as rector for several reasons. Afterwards the > philosopher began to criticize the ideology of the NSDAP for racism wherein > the thematic of the NSDAP_Blud und Bloden_ [blood and body] extolled a > basis for racial superiority. After this open criticism professor Heidegger > was placed under watch-surveillance, his publication rights were curtailed, > and some of his classes were cancelled. The Nazi's in 1944 proclaimed > Heidegger the most "expendable" professor at the Freiburg Univerisity > faculty, and apparently he was sent to the Rhine to dig trenches until he > was drafted into the peoples militia. {from: David Farrell Krell_General > Introduction: "The Question of Being", In: Martin Heidegger: Basic > Writings} Krell mentions that the NSDAP, through the Ministry of Culture, > vigourously pressured professors to advance the Nazi ideology. > > > > > From: > > To: > > Subject: questions > > Date: Wednesday, January 27, 1999 2:21 PM > > > > I've been trying to follow some of this discussion, and am finding it > quite > > good although I would take it as a great favor if anyone wanted to give > me a > > capsule update on Henk's agument that Greg (is it?) and rafael are > responding > > to. i am by no means a Heidegger expert (hence my desire to join this > group > > and learn) but if I am understanding some of this correctly I find the > > argument that H's philosophy to be inherently fascistic a little > difficult to > > accept. But maybe someone will help here. Bear with my ignorance of this > on- > > going debate and thanks. js > > > > > > --- from list --- > > > > > > > > The rhetoric of the First Nations people in Canada > > often smacks of Nazism, talking as they do of keeping the race pure - as > > do the "pur-laine" ideals of the Quebecois. But while, and only while, > > they offer those ideals only as individual decisions to be made, and not > > forcibly entrenched; and while and only while, they maintain and > > strengthen their heritage in order to take their place with others in the > > world, and not to take power over others in the world, there is little I > > can say to condemn them except to correct the biologism inherent in the > > idea of 'race', and correct it to a 'heritage' that they want to > maintain. > > > > --- from list --- --- from list ---
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