Subject: Re: As usual Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 01:31:13 -0500 Cologne 26 January 1999 Rene de Bakker schrieb: >> >ultimately, of course, heid and b&t are somehow >> >a product, a "thrown-ness," of these same >> >material historical determinants. >> >leaving one less of a problem with his fascism >> >than his personal (especially husserl, eh) betrayals. >> >his failure to make good on them accounts. >> >> >> Now, from where are you talking now? > >Bob's talking from on high. michael you're right of course, the ironic sense you mean it, that is. no specialist ...the homely voice of the chorus, i'd guess. i have a farmer uncle who's scornfull of my understanding for lack of having plowed, planted and harvested. i have an economist brother tells me i know nothing for not knowing fiscal, macro, money supply, whatever... a cousin judge insists, never having laid down the law, i can't possibly know anything worth his listening get my drift. each has a speciality he inflates to fit his narcissism and labels "truth" your idea is to multiply stilted verbal formulations among a rare few fellow specialists...ugh well that's ok with me, i guess; but you might concede at parting, this makes a pretty good fit with the frankfurter notion of the bourgeois brahmin caste, brewing the final mystification (dasein-verbum)...of capital bob --- from list ---
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