Date: Thu, 28 Jan 1999 18:56:30 EST Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany just a thought on Jim's comments regarding Andrew's remarks about race. I think to indict Andrew for using a less than perfect vocabulary and suggesting that words like "mix" imply a way of thought is to lose track of what is really significant about race and prejudice. It's not that language isnt important, it clearly is, but it is not an absolute barometer of sensibility...especially in this context when even a cursory look at Andrew's comments indicate a progressive attitude. I doubt that Andrew, or myself, using words like "mix" will do anything toward furthering regressive attitude. Sometimes I find in po-mo America this strange insistence on appropriate the point where it becomes it's opposite."Ultra appropriate" morphs into a kind of policing that ends up quite reactionary. Context matters and if Rev, Farrakhan uses "mix" in a speech it may well foster thinking that encouages exclusion and intolerance. On the other hand, " hi to a fellow Canadian" isnt likely to encourage any such thing. And to fixate on it may mean missing other more pertinent ideas. thanks j.s. --- from list ---
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