Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 09:15:47 -0000 I've been away from e-mail for a few days, and have just finished working through the discussions of Heidegger and politics. Not directly in response to any of these, but on the general point, it seems to me as if Heidegger's interpretation of the call for philosopher-kings in Plato's Politeia goes through a subtle shift between 1932/3 (GA34 and the Rectoral Address) and 1936/42 (GA40 and GA53). Given that this was (at least partly) behind his active political involvement I think it sheds some interesting light on his distancing from it. Relatedly, since reading GA29/30 I've been more convinced than ever that Heidegger had nothing in common with biologistic Nazism. See also the remarks in GA39. Best wishes Stuart --- from list ---
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