File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 158

Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:13:25 +0100
Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany/Epistamae Politikae


You write: 
> [...] it seems to me as if Heidegger's
> interpretation of the call for philosopher-kings in Plato's Politeia goes
> through a subtle shift between 1932/3 (GA34 and the Rectoral Address) and
> 1936/42 (GA40 and GA53). 

Is it allright with you when I change the name of the
subject into "Epistaemae politikae"? Heidegger's 
treatment of the philosopher king is not - directly 
- related to the discussion of Heidegger in Germany 
and all it does or does not entail. 
I become more and more convinced that Heidegger's 
GA53 (and also GA40) is not based on the Politeia 
but on the Statesman. Could that account for the 
shift you mention? 
The Statesman is an extensive survey of the 
_epistimae politikae_ as seen by Plato. His view
is multi-layered and all these layers seem to be 
treated one after the other by Heidegger in his 
second part of GA53.
The fallacy of perceived coherence is always 
lurking on the background but keeping that in 
mind - in the context of Plato's Statesman 
Heidegger's GA53 becomes a complete description 
(and an astoundingly profound one) of what it 
means when Aristoteles says: "phusei anthroopos 
Kindest regards,

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