File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 168

Subject: Nonviolence
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 13:06:02 -0500 (EST)

Greetings Tom,

	I remember exchanging some posts on nonviolence what? a couple
of years ago with you? On the Bataille list we have a not always flame,
violent free situation but are talking more nonviolent approaches to
communications and what Lyotard calls the unilateral disarmament of
consciousness which some of us understand as meditative practice such
as that recommended by Nietzsche called _active forgetting_. We talk
all the writers you mention and others, non-western also. We also
promote outsider culture and discourse such as shamanic practices, gnostic
practice and Bataille being Bataille we talk the articulation between
eroticism and mysticism, the epicurean card all the way sometimes. The
list is very delimited and not stuck on overly worshipful devotion to
the list name, we are transgressive and sometimes you hardly know it's
the Bataille list. We write poems, and are inventing a traversal of
fantasy, dreamtime oriented virtual environment as well as a radical
inoperative useless community along the lines of Nancy's response to
fascist fusion of identities. I extend and invitation to you and to
others who may be interested to check us out.

Warm memories,
Ariosto Raggo



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