File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 176

Subject: RE: As usual
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 17:57:27 -0800

> Hi Bob,
> I don't quite understand what you are saying -- "a fly-by," "over my
> head,"....
> It's all too educated for me ....
> --
> jim

yes jim. i find bob as .. uhm .. i'm not sure. it seems to me that one
communicates to communicate. ..speak into the listening if you will.
..of course if communication is what one is up to.

yes i've even heard prof dr Capurro say he had trouble understanding
bob. i would guess that bob relishes that somehow. i heard him say once
that "foils" are the joy of "sporting minds" ..something like that. i'd
like to hear more on bob's thoughts about himself. ..probably get more
invective but who knows..


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