Subject: Re: As usual Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 23:05:16 -0500 (EST) Greetings Bobbing bob, I usually trash everything from this list except, and not meaning to flatter or brown nose, I have read my Nietzsche, except for that Micheal guy, helps me out, but a little too stuck on Heidegger maybe, but this list's God for sure. I aspire in humility to reach his peaks of grasping comprehension on understanding, Oh just off the top of my head, say resolute attunement, don't know how it goes in that German rough language though so you'll give me some good odds that I can win this? And you start to bug me bob with that, ah, I'm dumb, inwardizing dialogue. If you don't stop it, you are going to be like me, flying solo with naked intentionality for a companion, resolutely wraped up in this ignorant darkness where I can make out what people are saying because it all very knowledgeable, learned understanding that's way over my poor english head. So stop it there will you, Ariosto -- --- from list ---
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