File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 181

Subject: Blue skies
Date: Fri, 29 Jan 1999 10:33:03 PST

If someone said, "Look up, the sky is blue", and you smiled in 
agreement, and then later, when this same person was revealed to be an 
old Nazi spy, would you look up suddenly to the sky in disbelief? 

Or is this debate an instance of 'interpretation', whereas the blueness 
of sky is not contested, but interpretations of Hiedegger's texts are in 
dispute and so it matters. One side saying Hiedegger's writings are, the 
other that they are not, to be judged according to expediencies in the 
'realpolitik' of the Worlding Games.

For those few in every age who come solidly up against the wall of the 
not yet revealed, and who know 'who' (or rather 'what') they are, 
bearers of a new perspective with force strong enough to change all old 
perceptions towards the higher, they are of necessity a bit paranoid. 
Their feeling is one of knowing the fanciful nature of human mortality, 
and unmorbidly feel that what they have seen is important enough to 
future to feel uneasy that their relating of this vision might be 
mortally cut short. Expediency and caution concerning activities in 'the 
real world', the social, are seen by them as necessary to proactively 
counter at times. I think this particular feeling is also part of 
Clinton's dilemma, as his faulty judgement resulting from personal 
passion threatens the good he feels he uniquely has the power yet to 
give to the Worlding games. He re-acted 'expediently' for what he 
perceived as the higher good.

In terms of genre, isn't this the difference between those who think 
Hiedegger or Clinton did what they themselves would have done in the 
same situation, in order to survive the penalties meted by the regimes 
of 'truth', over a matter they felt did not threaten this regime 
personally (since, in Clinton's case at least, it is unlikely their 
regimental daughters are more vulnerable to Clinton than to the boy down 
the street), versus those who are 'convicted' that their regime of truth 
is the only thing that stands between them and the barbaric?

I realize these remarks are simplistic and flawed, but still a gram 


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