Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 12:42:50 +0100 Subject: Heidegger in Germany Stuart You write: > Why? I know this is the title of Aristotle's book, but it isn't directly > relevant here.. or is it? Why? No, I am not referring to Aristotle's Politica but to Plato's treatment of _politikae epistaemae_ that seems to be more in line with Heidegger's thinking. But it might take us too far away - and time is a very rare commodity in these days. > Whatever, it strikes me that H engages with Plato > as part of a response to his own trip to Syracuse. I am not so sure. If it is true (see your remark and my subsequent correction in the other mail about the date of Heidegger's political concerns) that Heidegger started to become involved in politics around 1931/1932 - it all happens in a time that he is fully involved in Greek philosophy and is highly interested in truth. By the way, I vaguely remember having read somewhere that he later seriously deplored having spend so much time on the subject of truth. Do you know more about it? And could this be seen as a retraction of sorts from positions taken in 1934-1944? About your argument that there may be a shift in Heidegger's thinking about the king philosoper - it is a very interesting point and your excellent summary looks promising. I would like to compare some of the points you make with my notes - and I want to do it carefully. This will take some time. And the permission of my family to retreat to my study even in a weekend. I hope you don't mind. Kindest regards, Henk --- from list ---
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