File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 188

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 12:52:28 +0100
Subject: Heidegger in Germany


Thanks for your mail. It is impossible for me to imagine
how I would have felt in 1943 as a student of Heidegger.
Besides, it is not about reliving the past but what we
should do in the present with Heidegger's words. If 
today we would have enough defences against fascistoid
thinking, on the contintent (and elsewhere, as Bob was
so kind to point out) I could not have cared less about 
Heidegger the political thinker. However, fascistoid 
thinking still seems to have its attractions. In other
words, I am not really interested in the man, only in 
those aspects of his thinking that could weaken our
already not too strong defenses.

Kindest regards,

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