Subject: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 00:31:10 -0500 Rafael, >...presupposes there would >be a _clean_ solution for all our (!) >shamanic, fetishistic etc. thinking. isn't it a universal experience, a kind of loss of intellectual innocence ("wither has it fled the visionary gleam..." and all that), a moment in the maturation of human consciousness when enchantment and mystery, the animistic world of runes and spells and incantations, prospero's island, etc., dissolves and leaves behind in its place the naked world of fact and law? can't one pretty clearly distinguish each mode? as in allen's eg, the j tradition? isn't roman catholicism (the astonishing vat I and anathema of modernism) distinguishable from protestantism at a very deep level on essentially this basis? and isn't it the basis of husserl's rejection, unscientific, of b&t? >Just think about how much fetishitic, shamanic etc. >there was/is in the marxist tradition >(and what about the Hebrew/Christian/... in Karl Marx...?!) can't think what in marx you'd be referrencing? surely marx redeemed messianism (helder camara & co) against the dr's of the word for judeao/xtian civ ? and who in the tradition? bloch, maybe? but none of them leave the earth, facticity, behind, in favor of the house of language. but anyway, am after quarrying, not discountenancing, heid. now god's dead, the project of b&t is compelling, eh?...only i'd like to amend the monism. ...facticity, the ontic, techne...the person, don't they require to be redeemed? could one maybe postulate that h's ontology in dialogue (his pristine inclination) with marxism (the authentic great movement) is for post-modern western civ, the myth structure essential to the fiducial vitality of latter day judaeo/xtian hope? who's doing this? getting late, thanks bob -----Original Message----- From: <> To: Rscheetz <Rscheetz> Date: Wednesday, January 06, 1999 6:12 AM Subject: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition > >bob, > >how much of all this (what you say) is >Hebrew/Christian/Catholic/abendlaendisch... tradition? >how do we (!) manage it? I mean, not only how did H. manage it... >to say: all this is fetishistic, ritualistic etc. may be not only failing >the _facade_ H. and that which is behind it but it presupposes there would >be a _clean_ solution for all our (!) shamanic, fetishistic etc. thinking. >Just think about how much fetishitic, shamanic etc. there was/is in the >marxist tradition (and what about the Hebrew/Christian/... in Karl >Marx...?!) >so, let us think about this >me too I have my peasant roots (as you can see in my homepage) >kind regards >rafael > --- from list ---
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