Subject: Re: race... Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:08:18 -0800 Deserving of respect...those you purify languages!! [Heidegger]. Lyotard writes: "I would like to call a differend the case where the plaintiff is divested of the means to argue and becomes for that reason a victim." There is no _praeusus_ or occasion to render a verdict. Auswhitz, the referent, is denied by revisionists and turns it around to condemn once again the plaintiff. (cf. Jean Lyotard, The Differend: Phrases in Dispute) reviewed by Rob. Leventhal. > > If one > >cannot make the distinction in one's language and vocabulary (and hence in > >thinking) between pure race hate mongering and scapegoating, and the use of > >useful terms like "mix' in the discourse of everyday life (as Marcuse put it) > >then that person has a seriously impaired speech condition. In_Introduction to Metaphysics_ heidegger relates "Everyone speaks and writes away in the language without hindrence....And only a very few are capable of thinking through the full implication of this misrelation and unrelation of present-day being there of language.... The organizations for the purification of the language and defense against its progressive barbarization are deserving of respect. But such efforts merely demonstrate all the more clearly that we no longer know what is at stake in language. Because the destiny of language is grounded in a nation's_relation_to_being_, the question of being will involve us *deeply* in the question of language." p.51, Yale Univ. Press. In Rosenberg's_The Myth of the Twentieth Century_which was first published by the Thule Society, and underground_folkisch_anti-semtic organization that used the Swastika as the symbol of Nordic superioriy, there is the constant allusion to the image of stillness and downtrodden spirit of the Germanic peoples. The allusion that Heiddegger makes in the Intro is very similar to what is in the_Myth of the Twethieth Century. The Thule Society was a wide spread supporting organization for acedemic professors in German, and had its own newpapers, etc. "When life becomes a matter of empty forms, spiritual death or revolution is imminent. There are no alternatives." Myth of Twentieth Century. In "What are Poets Good For" heidegger refers to the character August in Knut Hamsun's novels_August_ and says that August is a "superior" person because he is of the earth, is upright and is unemployed. --- from list ---
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