Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 18:12:48 EST Subject: Re: race... Jim; Wow, you know what occurs to me first is just how scary the authoritarian personality is....THATS YOU PAL! Never mind the inherent boorishness exhibited. This kind of hysterical moralizing is a sure sign of the punitive anal personality disorder...but lets not bother tossing off these schoolmarmish disections of each others postings. I do think it interesting when one complains about all syntax and word if "Cartesian bullshit" qualified you for anything beyond some high school philosophy class. Man what an ass you are. And the unblelievable arrogance of suggesting reading to fairly defies conventional analysis...truely, I can imagine the self righteousness and smuggness of folks like you, and I find no problem seeing just where you fit in the historical continuum And FUCK the woozle, whatever it may be. js. --- from list ---
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