Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 19:30:57 +0100 Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany Stuart, Many thanks for your mail about the philosopher king. Your position is a very interesting but also challenging one. After looking at it more closely I found one of my positions no longer tenable. However, I also had the impression that Heidegger's thinking about the philosopher king may have evolved, as you point out, but that this evolution does not have to be a change - not in essence. For practical reasons (it would take too much explaining) I'll only indicate why - trusting on your familiarity with the subject. When Heidegger speaks about the original, collective will as a basis for the university (in his Rektoratsrede, p 10) he uses the same words as Burckhardt does when he describes the _polis_ as a product of the collective will of farmers, villages etc. In other words, it is possibly not too far fetched to think that Heidegger pleads in his Rektoratsrede for a return to the Naturstaat, to the _polis_, - as opposed to the actual _politeia_, i.e. that of the Kulturstaat. In GA53 Heidegger describes in detail why the Kulturstaat should make place for the Naturstaat (the _polis_). Kindest regards, Henk --- from list ---
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