File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 207

Subject: being and nothingness
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 11:36:34 -0800

Dear Ariosto, fellow Canadian,

mi color es pavo blanco
no gusto mi color
mi ojo es rojo

my color is turkey white
i dont like my color
my eye is red

Heidegger, his restoration of an attitude of openess to being is about
opening up to the other. Attitude is everything in a "destitute time"
[Heidegger], in a "dangerous time" [sung by The Barenaked Ladies]. 

Last night a sample of postings.... Serious young scholars, some spanish,
english, and a few in italian ...were about consience in part and about
attitude; philosophy is the "wisdom of love" versus the "love of wisdom"
reversion that I had glimpsed at when I began reading Heidegger early in

Identity, in your reference Ariosto as a Canadian, is struggle, the
underlying concern, the 'sorge', is about attitude and is grounded in the
notion of the Canadian doing it different by constructing the "just
society" as a deliberation, as a formative, performative egalitarian
exercise. Vis a vis the communitarian biocentric attitude of phusus

The projecting of world constructing, with attendent danger, onto earth,
where earth [expression] contains _holoun[s]_ which is "complete and fully
standing -the permanently manifested power through which shines perpetually
the appearance of the one-and-many sided (limitations of being)." Coupled 
with_phusus_or pre-biological life [elan vital]_houlon_ is attributive of
being's attitude. Only being in love of what is complete is attitude. Love
is the attitude of respect. Love as attitude is life affirming life. 

My thesis is to be on_phusus_and_holoun_ coupling in the natural sciences
to create a new ethos in a dangerous time or a "destitute" time. 

Also a correction: the reference to snow Ariosto is  very nice. What about
this from Intro. to Metaphysics, "We see that there is something very
interesting about nothing....we can belong entirely to no thing, not even
to ourselves; yet being-there is in every case mine." After Heidegger
quotes Knut Hamson character August: 

"here he sits between his ears and all he hears is emptiness. An amusing
conception, indeed. On the sea there were both motion and sound, something
for the ear to feed upon, a chorus of waters. Here nothingness meets
nothingness and the result is zero, not even a hole. Enough to make one
shake one's head, utterly at a loss." from_The Road Leads On.

climb on

phusus meisters

two swim birds

> From: Ariosto Raggo <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: race...
> Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 2:36 PM
> Addressing myself to the Canadian dirty laundry,

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