File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 208

Subject: Re: race...
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 14:47:19 -0500


never read ashley m (rather suspicion his commercial-ity)
...but "Hola's" got it right -
that's to say, the world of human existentiality
is not that of the biological txtbk;
but "story", mythos...personae & plot
(a temporally extended unified action).
freud & co demo'd re the individual the archaelogy
of the myth of self or personal identity,
how the story is originated and plotted,
how bob arose and individuated from generic blob.
and indeed his continued very problematical
relationship with that underlying biology.

history & meta-history are analogous.
identity constructs of the collectivity.
so families develope identities/histories/myths do cities, regions, nations,
...and civ's.
and with the last we've arrived to spengler
and his protagonist, race.

slope-head racism (rosenberg's biologism) is a straw man.
race has to do with membership in a spiritual affinity,
a communion based on fiducial adhesion to a myth.
it matters as much as anything can;
in the generic positivist reality of the scrimmage of appetite
we cannot recognize ourselves, cannot breathe,
...and the absence of the myth of "western civ"
and our place therein is a thing literally inconceivable to us.
call it teutonic after a significant early phase,
or euro, whatever...;
we are the race of weastern civ.

ok, -
now it should be obvious that
"the nazi (hi)story" is the pre-eminent
cultural battleground of our times.
and of course, the bourgeois orthodoxy,
which has it that a retro version of The Myth,
always latent in the underclass,
from various contingent circumstances,
came forth into the the sun,
and seduced the german spirit,
reigns uncontested in pop cult and academy.

but where that etiology might work with ss types,
it's clearly deficient,
in re cultural elites,
however card-carrying,
as heid, r strauss, von kariajan,
...even schacht, speer, nso on.

so the bourgeois version is wrong..

taking up specifically
the anti-semitism/holocaust element,
the core of the bourgeois version.
it can harly be missed that
western civ. is judaeo-xtian civ,
and so-called anti-semitism cannot logically be a
racial chauvinism on a serious level.
and indeed semitism is the only component culture
which the host has permitted to endure intact.
there are no conventicles of druids,
no worshippers of odin,
no roman cult,
islam was met everywhere with ceaseless war,
...nso on to bolshevism.
anti-semitism cannot be,
as bourgeois myth has it, racial enmity.
nor the holocaust, genocide.
they are us.
or better, the relation is
more in the nature of parent-child.
what the holocaust signifies is, rather, parricide.
and that is the story framework
(not "fascism/racism")
in which to understand heid's nazism,
the destruction & twisting free of metaphysics,
pre-eminently the subjectivity of judeao-xtianity.
writing the next chapter of occidental seinsgeschichte,
and of course this converges nicely with
the exigencies of latter day capitalism
as it pushes ever farther...carpet bombing,
abortion, kevorkian, cloning,...nso on,
beyond humanism.

so finally, the moral of the story:
without you de-bourgeois-ogize the story
of the period...explode the false consciousness,
of the epochal event/crime,
you can't begin to understand heid.

anyway my opinion, eh?


-----Original Message-----
To: Rscheetz <Rscheetz>
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 10:33 PM
Subject: Re: race...

>bob...can you run that by me again...? thanks js
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