Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:26:17 EST Subject: Re: bob' now I am confused. I see no defensiveness in my argument with Jim, other than that he's rude and ridiculous. As for deference to pc, it seems jims position was the pc I am just finding a strange resorting to "bad" science in a lot of this...and all I had to say about race was that on some level of course there is race, its just about defining it. If that makes me rascist, then so be it. The world operates in a large and mostly unfortunate way because of its postions on race, and what it thinks about it. If one wants to believe that this will all go away if change our definition of race, then I'd have to disagree, or if one thinks that Jim's blathering non definitions would make the world different I'd like suggest this as one of the great red herrings of the whole pc movemnet...and suggest reading Marx. Maybe I',m not getting your position,,,in fact i know I'm WHERE is my deference to PC?? later js --- from list ---
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