File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 24

Subject: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 20:54:25 +0100

thanks for your terrific shamanic (?) thoughts
I will dream about this tonight!
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: John Foster <>
Datum: Sonntag, 10. Januar 1999 20:19
Betreff: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition

>> Rafael,
>> >...presupposes there would
>> >be a _clean_ solution for all our (!)
>> >shamanic, fetishistic etc. thinking.
>suppose there were
>a clean solution for all
>> isn't it a universal  experience,
>> a kind of loss of intellectual innocence
>> ("wither has it fled the visionary gleam..." and all that),
>> a moment in the maturation of human consciousness
>> when enchantment and mystery, the animistic world
>> of runes and spells and incantations, prospero's
>> island, etc., dissolves and leaves behind in its
>> place the naked world of fact and law?
>in a moment of enchantment
>we are left to dissolve
>the universal experience
>to leave the place of naked facts
>of hard laws
>facts are not values or to be dis-valued!
>but subject to 'strong inference'
>to be weighed by a balance
>of competing interests
>to be used by tools forged by
>the mind
>not as manacles
>to enslave the imagination
>and ensnare the host
>but to lend credence to the
>tillage and humus
>to help make fertile the earth when
>amongst more bleaker times
>of ice and chilly winds
>men women and children
>were all huddled up around salvaged
>tinder and bits of coal
>as though before the ancient oaks were felled
>for ships to gather spice and gold and teak
>> can't one pretty clearly distinguish each mode?
>> as in allen's eg, the j tradition?
>> isn't roman catholicism (the astonishing
>> vat I and anathema of modernism)
>> distinguishable from protestantism
>> at a very deep level on essentially this basis?
>> and isn't it the basis of husserl's rejection,
>> unscientific, of b&t?
>as in each,
>whose mode,
>whose fall from grace,
>the divine
>in each,
>clutches together
>some yarn and feathers,
>places pitch to hold
>this center,
>dark, molten
>luminous in parts
>according to the sun,
>the remainder too
>is divine,
>to the core,
>still some frisking
>wish it was now just spring
>> >Just think about how much fetishitic, shamanic etc.
>> >there was/is in the marxist tradition
>> >(and what about the Hebrew/Christian/... in Karl Marx...?!)
>> can't think what in marx you'd be referrencing?
>> surely marx redeemed messianism (helder camara & co)
>> against the dr's of the word for judeao/xtian civ ?
>> and who in the tradition? bloch, maybe?
>> but none of them leave the earth, facticity, behind,
>> in favor of the house of language.
>liberation from earth and facticity
>for a language?
>in Shuswap the word
>for walking
>is different and varies
>depending on the time
>of day or month of year
>willow shimmering
>moon wanton
>waving sand
>>this is walking in Shuswap on a clear night<
>perhaps language
>is to convey in winter
>amongst heated stones
>heaped up stones
>the temptations and redeeming
>heat of warmer, less imagined
>veces, tiempo
>otters slide and play
>on riversides
>in the Orinoco
>and the Tum Tum
>who dreams of summer
>dreams not of winter in summer
>but dreams of endless hours
>>internal sense of time or Bergsonian time/duration<
>aloft a raft in exquisite light
>or adrift as though in nectar found
>in a sieve
>>we were as though men lost at sea
>>we were in a boat with a rudder
>>lost and adrift at sea
>>we were truely adrift without much to hope for
>>then we found our faith
>>amongst the reed boats
>>high above the river
>>that flows to the sea
>>later amongst ancient places
>>of worship
>>amongst porticoes of granite
>>crucifurous lichen
>>as old as these hills
>>as I am
>>my heart is moved by a woman
>>who wears a shawl on her head
>>it is black
>>even through the thick mud walls
>>where ancient light from moon
>>illumines this bed
>>there are still no lights on
>>in this town
>>and out on the lake that is oceanic
>>far above the Orinoco
>>how much mystery and wonder
>>could have been given
>>on this quietest of nights?
>Soft Fluffy Cloud
>Isla Taquile, 1998, Peru
>> but anyway, am after quarrying, not discountenancing,
>> heid. now god's dead, the project of b&t is
>> compelling, eh?...only i'd like to amend the monism.
>> ...facticity, the ontic, techne...the person,
>> don't they require to be redeemed?
>> could one maybe postulate that h's ontology
>> in dialogue (his pristine inclination) with marxism
>> (the authentic great movement) is for post-modern western civ,
>> the myth structure essential to the fiducial vitality
>> of latter day judaeo/xtian hope?
>> who's doing this?
>> getting late,
>> thanks
>> bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> <>
>> To: Rscheetz <Rscheetz>
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