Subject: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 07:27:44 -0500 On Tue, 12 Jan 1999 00:44:07 -0500 bob scheetz <> wrote: > > > > > Henry, > > >... the "absolutes" that my work-for-a-living mentors > >have taught me overthe years-- "things are never what > >they appear"; "things never work out the way you plan, etc." > >This has as much to do with politics & religion as it does > >fitting a cabinet on a kitchen wall or figuring out wht the damn > >tractor ain't got spark. > > isn't yerz the ironical mood of de-struktion, > but once "the town lies beaten flat, > those who build again are gay" nope, mine sees it kinda flattened out already and in need of a little inflationary realism. > >i'm of the impression that marx, maybe mostly inadvertently, > >reminded that part of the job of the clearing is to resist > >theory-- often at the expense of the empowered and to the amusement > >of the pragmatic. That and a sense of justice give the obvious: > >a realistically level playing field. Add a dose of "progress" > >and one gets a plan, a theory, an ideology-- (so mostly the > >working class has had to grade that field level by hand.) > > bingo! i think > only, fergit "progress", eh...( hate progress) > but i think that catches it... > and, isn't that "sense of justice" not a nothing? > a myth-construct... oresteia, founded in an > overcoming the chthonic tribal code of vendetta... > enhancing...citifying, dasien? > ..."fair attic shape dost tease us out of thot" hate? hell, naw! suspicious, damn fer sure; but mostly cause the progress of my perception has been who screws the most (masses) wins; 'haps along the way love gits made but only as a marginalized and objectified sujet=C9 (how 'bout them rabbits up in DC?) > >ah, the tech/nihilism thing, my fav. > >some see that as the main thrust and just around the corner, > >but it is something we go thru and out the other side of all > >together if at different times, just like the death a'gawd: > >some left early, some are now left and don't know it/some do; > >some are still being extradited from jerusalem even as i type. > >and some, maybe me, just see it as the big dream composed of > >all those others. . . somehow. . . > > this is a hard doctrine... > any tradesman 'll tell ya he's nothing without his kit. > makers exult in the implements of thier craft. > maybe tech is occlusive only where > understanding, sensibility, virtue is deficient > ...bourgeois false consciousness, lumpen chauvinism, effete anomie... the kit HAS gotten out-of-hand, Doc & you suggest good stuff RE its occludeness; by the by, could those last 3 be named husserl heidegger and derrida? > >...just both, aren't there more? > > there's sic et non > ...what else? > > bob > well, fer starters, how 'bout that dang "formal indicator" whatchacallit? there's also a shit pot full of either/or, and the endless gaze which we mostly would rather change the subject while not having to count our (last) breath i guess i'm saying that there are endless, inexhaustable conversations hank --- from list ---
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