Subject: Re: bauen, wohnen, denken Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:55:12 -0000 Rafael You could try J. Hillis Miller, Topographies. Interesting, but somewhat flawed I also talk a little about this in my thesis, but not at huge length. BTW, both the English and French translations have some problems. The use of Raum, Staette and Ort seems central to me - this piece made a lot more sense when I checked the original German. Best wishes Stuart -----Original Message----- From: Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro <> To: <> Date: Tuesday, January 12, 1999 10:32 Subject: bauen, wohnen, denken >is there any (good) literature (in English or in other language) (book or >part of it or a paper) about _Bauen, Wohnen, Denken_ ? >Thanks >Rafael > > > > > > --- from list --- > > --- from list ---
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