File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 34

Subject: Re: Heidegger and the Hebrew Tradition
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 01:29:36 -0500


>nope, mine sees it kinda flattened out already
>and in need of a little inflationary realism.

but, wouldn't that be, then, idealism?

but eithr way:
1)what ethos (works) ensues from authentic dasein (faith)?
...may we assume heid's political activism,
tho erring in the particulars of the revolution-event,
is a formal indicator of "the authentic" in action,
of ethical dasein?

2)during the event he thinks the essence of the will to power
...hadn't he better all along have thot the essence of work?
...and come at society & technology in that clearing?

>hate? hell, naw!  suspicious, damn fer sure; but mostly cause
>the progress of my perception has been who screws the most (masses)
>wins; 'haps along the way love gits made but only as a marginalized
>and objectified sujetÉ (how 'bout them rabbits up in DC?)

 indeed...and for all the fog of battle
as monumental (in its way) an apophansis of dasman
as yer like to see of a summer's day, eh?

>the kit HAS gotten out-of-hand, Doc

ok, but still not unconvinced the superiority of the weber/frankfurter

>i guess i'm saying that there are endless,
>inexhaustable conversations

...and there's  actings,
...and that "endless gaze" toward the horizon
whence there're no reports.

'n now i think on it...
what became of that mercurial alter, hen,
...any word from there?
hope he's met no horizon?

jes plain ole
heartland bob

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