Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 17:55:17 +0100 Subject: Phronesis, Kairos -- and 'Trust'? In 'Phaenomenologische Interpretation zu Aristoteles. Anzeige der hermeneutischen Situation' (Dilthey-Jahrbuch 6, 1989: 237-269), Heidegger elaborated with Phronesis' designation by means of Kairos -- a Kairos which H. translated into 'Augenblick' (thus following a trait originating from Kierkegaard, via Nietzsche, to Jaspers, H., Adorno, and Benjamin). Lets suppose we disregard from any Eschatological or Biblical 'En Kairo' interpretations: is it then possible to interpret the notions of Phronesis and Kairos in relation to the (in social sciences) much noted concept of Trust? I would be very grateful for answers to this question. Thank you. Hans Ramo Stockholm University --- from list ---
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