File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 49

Subject: Re: Re: Routledge Guidebook to Being and Time
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 14:10:13 -0000


(For information, the other time was on the Foucault list). Well, I think
this has been aired on the list before. Dreyfus' interpretation of Heidegger
is very important, interesting, etc. BUT, it is not the sort of introduction
to Heidegger that (say) Mulhall provides. It is something that purports to
be an introduction, but is far more an interpretation. I know that there are
problems in distinguishing between introduction, interpretation, etc. (and
Heidegger says any translation is necessarily an introduction), but Mulhall
seems a good example of the former, Dreyfus the latter.

So, my point is: if you want an introduction (a leading into, a summary
guide to) use Mulhall, and approach Dreyfus with caution, as his is far more
an interpretation.

Hope this clarifies,


-----Original Message-----
From: henry sholar <>
Date: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 13:36
Subject: re: Re: Routledge Guidebook to Being and Time

>Twice in 24 hours you've "warned" about Dreyfus.
>What's up with that?
>On Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:14:22 -0000 Stuart Elden
><> wrote:
>> I'd say it was a good start, but nothing more. It doesn't set out to be
>> more than an initial guide, and it does what it says. If I ever teach B&T
>> would certainly recommend it. I'd say it was more in tune with Being and
>> Time than Dreyfus' Being-in-the-World, which has an agenda of its own as
>> well (and only really covers division I). Other than Dreyfus I can't
>> of any other book that aims to do the same (there are intros to H
>> but not to B&T itself). Any others out there?
>> Best wishes
>> Stuart
>henry sholar
>     --- from list ---

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