Date: Fri, 25 Dec 1998 19:04:13 Subject: Re: Heidegger and Husserl This is just a quick response before i can get something down of more concrete thought... but where Heidegger begins to split, and perhaps his greatest critique of Husserl's brand of phenomenology, is that Husseral creates the "transcendental ego" thereby allowing teh self to slip out of the world to view the world, heidegger argues and forced the Being back into the world to its "betweeness". -M. Detzler Illinois State University At 02:53 PM 1/1/99 -0000, you wrote: >Happy New Year > >Can anyone situate the relationship of the later Husserl (i.e. the Crisis >and the Origin of Geometry) to Heidegger's critique of Husserlian >phenomenology in Sein und Zeit and GA20, and particularly to the history of >being in Heidegger's later work? > >I am particularly interested in Husserl's notion of the historical a >priori - and the picking up of this notion in Foucault. > >Best wishes > >Stuart > > > > > --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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