File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 59

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 99 21:25:47
Subject: Re: Being and Time - Div I, Ch 1 questions

In <>, on 01/18/99 
   at 10, Ryan Stubblefield <> said:

>> > 2. The first paragraph on p70, and the first full paragraph on p72.
>> > They both seem to be saying somthing important, but I cannot, for the
>> > life of me, puzzle them out.
>> My copy of M&R is stowed away--would you mind indicating the German
>> pagination, or at least give some idea of what the paragraphs are speaking
>> of?

>The first paragraph is in Section 9, second full paragraph of p. 44 in
>the German.  It begins with "But the explication of Dasein in its average
>everydaynes..." and ends "...certain ontological characteristics of an
>authentic Being of Dasein.

I think this points forward in the book towards the ability to 'get'
Dasein in one's grasp ontologically as-a-whole, and to ascertain
characteristics of a potential authentic Dasein distinct from Dasein in
its everyday averageness, despite everyday averageness being the starting
point of the analysis.

>The second is the first full paragraph of p. 46 in the German, beginning
>"At the same time it is of course misleading..." and ending "
>designation those entities which we are ourselves"

Heidegger is pointing out that he is not simply analysing the historiology
of philosophy but jumping away from it by using the term Dasein,
"Existence", a neutral term that allows Heidegger to both bring the
entities which we are ourselves in a relation to Being (Being/Existence),
and avoid any claims that Dasein is an actual thingly present-at-hand
extant object.  An analogy that comes to mind from the ontical realm
(dangerous I know) is that the location/direction of an electron in
another quantum-mechanical system is more a probability or potential than
an actuality (until the moment of observation when Dasein opens the
clearing for the electron to come to presence fully).


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