File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 60

Date: Thu, 21 Jan 99 21:45:38
Subject: Re: Routledge Guidebook to Being and Time

In <>, on 01/20/99 
   at 05, Ryan Stubblefield <> said:

>In any case, I checked out Gelven's commentary from the library and found
>it to be quite helpful.  I was going to order it from Amazon, and I
>figured I might as well check to see if anyone thought there was another
>thorough commentary also worth considering.

>Thanks for the comments...
>Ryan Stubblefield

There are a series of (relatively) short lectures on B&T on the web as
well, the intro reads:

Martin Heidegger's Master Work, Sein und Zeit, remains one of the most
important and difficult works of 20th Century philosophy. Regardless of
one's final judgment regarding the merits of the piece, it is critical
that we have a fair and adequate understanding of the text itself. 

These lectures, developed and delivered over several courses at different
schools, represent an attempt to guide the reader through the work in a
thoughtful and careful manner. It is best to use these notes in
conjunction with the Macquarrie & Robinson translation. A list of selected
secondary sources is also provided. 

The URL is

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