File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 62

Subject: Translation as Interpretation
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 09:14:00 -0000


Thanks for this. I know the Parmenides lectures quite well, and was
intending to use them along with GA53 (the lectures on Hoelderlin's Ister
hymn) as the basis for my paper. I also intended to look at GA51
Grundbegriffe and the lectures on Plato's Sophist. Very briefly, at the
moment I intend to approach the paper (a public lecture in Bath, UK) on the
following basis:-

1. H's remarks on translation, interpretation, etc.
2. An example of how H does this in practice. Possibly regarding aletheia,
more likely on his discussion of the polis. Or possibly something from the
course on Plato's Sophist.
3. The problems this raises.
4. The issue of translation more generally, which I will probably approach
through the difficulty of Heidegger in English; and through the translations
I will be doing of Lefebvre's work for a new collection.

Any other courses of H's that are worth reading on this issue? I have a pile
of notes on my H reading, which I will review nearer the time. But if anyone
knows of substantial discussions of translation other than the above (and
the essays on Greek thought in collections of H's essays), I'd be grateful
for their references.

Best wishes


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