File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 74

Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany
Date: Fri, 22 Jan 1999 22:59:14 -0800

Yes the soul is a stranger on earth


>Just about everything in the passage quoted
> is
> >untenable on a closer pondering
> >...
> >That all these harsh, quick judgements 'wash' indicates the wound of
> >National-Socialism which has paralyzed German thinking and led to a
> post-war
> >sell-out to Anglo-Saxon paradigms. So-called Critical Theory has
> a
> >sociologization of Heidegger's thinking which serves as fertile soil for
> people
> >like Lotz.
> Michael & Andrew,
> little hard see'n humanism and crit theory treated so rudely...
> kinda invites challenge, no?
> like, what makes you guys so superior?

yes, the soul is a stranger on earth,
-Es ist die Seele ein Fremdes auf Erden-
but no stranger to earth than this 
estranged  soul bidden to fall far below,
an inverted world with the roots of the 
inverted tree suspended in the heavens 
the fruits on earth, no? bonobo's peck
and paw, but love endurith
> that's to say, h is kinda like rdg this excruciating
> byzantine mystery always promising,
> be the reader sufficiently heroic,
> this ENORMOUS payout...
> like the kgb files on the
> rosenbergs/oppenheimer/fermi/bohr/szilard/fuchs/...
> together with philby/burgess/mclean/blount...
> and jfk assassination, j j angleton, colby...
> and deep throat,
> and linda tripp,
> da big kahuna!...
> only to have the author blandly announce at the end
> that all this was preliminary...
> and that's the best of it...
> from here the trail leads deeper
> into incoherence, vacancy...
like a spider in a house of sand 
forever climbing the shifting grains 
the telegraph poles poked out of the 
dunes with their wires shreaded casings
the windows now holes among, vacancy,
weathered sand worn and wooden facings,
built in 1917, the moved the Trak to 
the north shore where the loess was lis
> so here's you guys 75 yrs later...
> and da-sein still not off ari's tautological dime...
> aggressively serene midst yer barrenness
> of metaphysical de-struktion
> clear to the horizon...?
> and waiting some inconceivable and linguistically
> unformulable deus ex machina?
> i guess?
the inverted world like an hour glass
the horizon of being
shifting sifting
settling the 
> no peripity, no anagnorisis...jes nuthin!
> nso, seriously, how can you blame one for
> writing it down to spiritual exercises,
> hermeneutic training, onto-theology...
> the historico/socio-phenomenality of dadaist sensiblity
> nso on...sumpin like dat...
> all, i say all, perfectly independent of the craven
> latter-day anti-nazi animus.

Da[vid]sein, The Star of David, and inverted superimposition of two
triangles, the symbol of three points, one an inverted tree with its roots
in heaven, and one with 
its roots in the earth, 3 make six, love's superimposition, & as fer the
whole truth & nothing but the truth, I claim amnesty, there was first the
light, where the light got in there was a crack. That is how the light got
in. Davidsein. The whole bueatiful truth, the whole bueautiful, truth, is
that that is how the light gets in, there is a crack!. I prefer my fissure
tool, on super vaccum cleaner, or crevice tool! I ain't damn right, no I am
one Hedys boys down by the corner brook street, off the shores ob Quebec
not a Newfoundlad, not by a damn site yet, some how some light got in,
otherwise ther'rd be darkness & fright. Throw the whole shuck of em back in
the sea, bill. They're thesis ain't nor weren't no better than birch pitch
in a cold sunday morning bench in the townships. 
> ?
> thanks for the trans, michael,
> no offense...ya know,
> bob
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