Subject: Sv: Heidegger and Husserl Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 23:03:09 +0100 A question connected with this. I have heard that Heideggers and Husserls conceptions of truth are VERY similar (especially the concept of truth that Husserl develops in Logische untersuchungen 6). Can anyone explain to me what is the the common ground of Husserl and Heiddeger and in what aspects they are different (regarding their concept of truth) ? Any comment will be appreciated. Greetings Peder -----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Stuart Elden <> Til: heidegger <> Dato: 1. januar 1999 16:07 Emne: Heidegger and Husserl >Happy New Year > >Can anyone situate the relationship of the later Husserl (i.e. the Crisis >and the Origin of Geometry) to Heidegger's critique of Husserlian >phenomenology in Sein und Zeit and GA20, and particularly to the history of >being in Heidegger's later work? > >I am particularly interested in Husserl's notion of the historical a >priori - and the picking up of this notion in Foucault. > >Best wishes > >Stuart > > > > > --- from list --- > --- from list ---
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