File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9901, message 91

Subject: Re: Heidegger in Germany
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 1999 01:27:53 -0500

Henk writes:
>I do not think that writing about Heidegger is easy, in Germany or
>elsewhere on the continent. The demonstration asked is not just a ritual
>one. Fascistoid ideology should be met head on. And that is a tall
>order. For two reasons. German culture is an integral part of
>continental culture. The two cannot be separated. Fascism has usurped
>this culture - and it is still unclear (read Sluga's excellent account)
>if there are enough defences in continental culture against fascism. 
>This may be different for trans-atlantics or those at the other side of
>the Canal who always lived and will remain living in splendid isolation.

in re the narrow heid-controversy 
spose you're right;
but come to fascism,
we're in the belly of the living beast,
most intimate with the darkness at his heart.

and, in re resistence, from this vantage,
the courtesy euro's extend 
toward such as mitterand, milosovic,...
(while here, there's yet some fervor to
expose and expunge the loathesome
fascist jackals of capital)
seems to leave little to hope for from the continent.


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