File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_1999/heidegger.9906, message 9

Subject: Re: Thomas Langan
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 1999 12:13:09 -0400

Michael S,
I do believe that Langan
finds a necessity for G_d
and finds it lacking in Heid.

i think it comes from a 
Thomistic commitment, but its been 
a long time since i looked at dat buk.

kindest regards,

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999 11:46:24 -0400  Michael Staples <> 

> Michael E.,
> I just finished Thomas Langan's "The Meaning of Heidegger". It seemed to me
> that things were going quite nicely until I hit his conclusion. Are you
> familiar with this book? Langan's conclusion apparently sees only Solipsism
> in Heidegger, claiming that because Being is referenced to Dasein, Dasein
> only sees Dasein (my interpretation). This dosen't make very much sense to
> me. Langan makes a big deal out of the fact that Dasein "discovers" the
> things that are...rather than "creates" them. How did you find his
> conclusions?
> Michael S.
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