File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2001/heidegger.0103, message 28

Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 15:55:24 -0800
From: Kenneth Johnson <>
Subject: Re: Man Overboard!

>>My contention is that we only have an instantaneous present and
>>no past or future.
>how then do you explain the findings of archeology e.g. dinosaur bones,
>or a greek vase etc. ?

In literal terms only, and there only through the positing of a grammatical
axiom (as inside the "is"). In physical reality on the other hand there
could not be such a thing as a "present" moment, since existence would
became static inside it and there would be no engine to restart, no moving
piston, no computer geek to press a button since all geeks would have
suddenly become pillars.

I liked Sartre's explanation in Being and Nothingness, that we live out our
lives always a millifraction of time into the future.

Does Heidegger address this, in Being and TIME?


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