File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2001/heidegger.0108, message 16

Subject: Re: Mnemosyne: thinking poetization
Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 20:48:51 -0400

Dear Allen ,

The experience you described seems like what I imagine naked seeing to be as
a sense of  presence where there is not even the scrupulous adding of  a
portion to an interminably incomplete work to come. I guess you can see the
proccess of patient reserve and delay as integral to "hermenutical
phenomenology" but these are words I don't use even though I'm convinced
that the manner of approach I describe (or actually it's more like a
contracting retreat that 'mimes' a self-sheltering withdrawal)  gives anyone
the ability to get at the more hidden gist of literature or philosophy. I'm
preparing more extensive posts but just to add to this thread; today while
reading Irigaray, it occured to me that one could read what happens as a
dissolution of the protective envelopes that constitutes our consciousness.
I notice I have all these layers, these rigid shells through which I
interpret my experience or in which my desire is fullfilled such that
intentionality then is simply consumptive when it strives out towards its
aim going on with a layering that becomes a sort of cobweb, a signifying
network that clothes seeing instead of drawing it out to the risk of naked
exposure and so the embrace of a real contact. And just now  reading
Schelling he says that we draw out the absolute subject only by imitating
it's own indifference and detachment, the way it turns it's back and
dissappears, the way it remains in potentiality without actulizing itself,
without coming to consciousness.  The way for instance the petals of a
flower close in on themselves with the coming of night. Schelling writes the
the form of the absolute subject is detachment and indifference and when we
mimic this negative existence; -- that, that is not the expression of a
personality but a character that is yet to be determined. There it is, that,
that is our infancy that is there before all pedagogy has a chance to fill
us up with signifying cobwebs that only swells up the sails and troubles the
seas. Schelling writes in "Conferences de Stuttgart": "Contracting men and
not expansive ones are the ones with natures that are originally and
naturally strong" and only this manner of existing attracts, makes the
Divine fall and descend
of itself. It's like the thinker artist or whatever only indicates an
uncreated 'time'; a poverty of imagination that even when it projects
imagery it still stays within the bounds of the prohibition of figuration
and that sort of imaginative block can be said to be the sterility of Sarah
or the virginity of Mary.


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