File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2001/heidegger.0108, message 18

Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2001 11:55:40 EDT
Subject: Re: Mnemosyne: thinking poetization

Thinking about Heidegger's description of Dasein's "curiosity" has led me of 
late to use the term "pursuit" as Dasein's dominant mode of being in the 
meta-techno-nihil framework that stands in place of in-der-welt-sein.  We are 
cast in pursuit-of something that is perhaps unknowable, ie, the foundation 
of the meta-techno-nihil framework itself.

But pursuit does not bring us to the uncanniness that Heidegger suggests as 
the result of authentic thought; rather, it avoids thinking. E.g., it is 
depressingly clear in the muddiness of the mythopoetic language of 
advertising and commercials. These myth-makers skate across the thin surface 
of thinking as if to create an anti-thinking or un-thinking, a massage of 
language evoking "values." The most powerful myths of our civilization are 
made for commercial interests, and are built precisely to provoke in us the 
inauthenticity of heidegger's "curiosity," while the weave and woof of the 
gestell  encourages the vanity of empty pursuit. 

In thinking about that which is closest to us, perhaps Heidegger is offering 
a path, taken slowly, alertly and meditatively, throughout the Gestell. My 
question is: if the Gestell incessantly opens up a blinding ersatz-world, 
what can we see even in the closest things, even on the path of thinking that 
would offer sight, vision?


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