File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2001/heidegger.0108, message 36

Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 12:32:59 +0200
Subject: Re: Nietzsche / Heidegger (1)

 I forgot about this being there 

note: see for the modalities: Kant's thesis on Being. They are
Kantian categories.

To Kant they are categories. To Duns Scotus they are categories
of another sort. (transcendentalia)

 But not, like the others, determining the object,
but determining the relationship of the object to the Vermoegen / faculty
(power!!) of knowledge of man. Whether an object is possible, actual,
necessary, can only be determined with regard to this relation. The
relation itself is exposed by the subject, not -evidently- by the objects.

The conclusion is missing. Being, that Kant's critical metaphysics is
reflexive, and that Kant even reflects the reflexion. Heidegger, in
Kants these ueber das Sein, stresses the importance of the chapter
"Amphibolie der Reflexionsbegriffe" in the Kr.d.r.V.


drs. René de Bakker
Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam
Afdeling Catalogisering 
tel. 020-5252368              

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