File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2001/heidegger.0110, message 131

Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2001 14:49:39 -0500
From: allen scult <>
Subject: the  modal processant

At 7:59 PM +0100 10/26/01, Jud Evans wrote:
>Because the "to be" cluster helps to indicate and process and
>describe the various existential modalities of subject entities, we think it
>best that it is given a name which reflects these predicational functions
>more clearly. We have tentatively re-named it the modal processant.

Precisely!  But the issue for hermeneutical phenomenology is, What 
are the conditions of existence, as those conditions persist in and 
through Language, which permit, encourage, even insist that we 
predicate our nouns thus?  Heidegger explains in "The nature of 
language"( I have only the English):

"To be" means to perdure and persist.  But this says more than just 
"last and abide."  "It is in being" means " it persists in its 
presence," and in  its persistence concerns and moves us .  Such 
being, so conceived, names what persists, what concerns us in all 
things, because it moves and makes a way for all things."

The movement of this way-making in and through language is, I think, 
the source of astonishment which in turn moves philosophy.  But of 
course. this movement would fail to arouse some of us even if it 
bowled us over.

  Allen Scult					Dept. of Philosophy
HOMEPAGE: " Heidegger on Rhetoric and Hermeneutics":	Drake University	Des Moines, Iowa 50311
PHONE: 515 271 2869
FAX: 515 271 3826

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