File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 24

Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2002 13:24:56 +0800
From: Malcolm Riddoch <>
Subject: Re: online discussion with author of "Heidegger's Children"

>I'm sorry.
>This kind of thing pisses me off.
>These are not "children," Heidegger's or otherwise.  Each of them 
>had to deal with their relationship with the man, and then go on 
>with philosophy.  And each of them did, in his or her own way, 
>taking the juice that was good and spitting the rest out.  It's not 
>easy, thinking your relationship to your mentors's mind and body. 
>But then it's done. . . in words, where it counts. And after all 
>this careful work, Wolin comes along, insinuating himself into some 
>very delicate relationships.  For love of what?  "Get a life," as 
>they say.  I've never used that expression before.


I'm back online again after a year of doing something else other than 
philosophy, which was nice. Apologies to Henk for dropping out so 
suddenly last year but the uni killed my email account two weeks 
after I submitted my thesis, blame it on the funding cuts I guess.

As for Wolin, I don't mind his writing, as far as it goes, and he's 
certainly made a career out of this sort of polemic, but beyond the 
biographical facts there's not much in the way of actual 
philosophical analysis, at least in his earlier works. If he wants to 
play the devils advocate that's fine with me and I even think it's 
useful to Heidegger studies, and there've been a few interesting 
debates on this list about the political side of Heidegger's 
thinking, it's just the philosophical implications are so very vague 
and often merely implied (usually for the worse).

Has anyone had a look at Wolin's new book? Is it more of the same 
political bio stuff or what? I wouldn't mind maybe formulating a few 
philosophical questions for him if there's enough time and anyone 
else here is interested.


Malcolm Riddoch

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