File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 30

Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:25:21 EST
Subject: Conference?


Donald Turner quoth:

Hello folks.  I have lurked on the Heidegger list for years and have greatly
enjoyed the conversation.  (What ever happened to Catweasle, anyway?)  I
remember getting an announcement from SPOON regarding a Heidegger conference
(in Texas somewhere?) based on the theme of mystery / the uncanny.
Unfortunately, my computer crashed and this information was lost.  I'm
hoping someone here knows about  this conference and can direct me to more
information, the "call for papers", etc.  Thanks in advance for any helpful
information.   Please post the message here or email me directly at:

-Donald Turner

Hi Donald,

Your best bet is to go to the Spoon site at: 

and do a search for the info on their in house search engine.


He started his own group together with Jon Neivens   <A HREF=""></A>
and can be also be  read on the AIT (Analytical Indicant Theory) website at:

He is still a lurking member of this list ,but nowadays like you prefers to 
sit back and warm his hands on the constant stream of sparks which issue 
forth from the screen whenever a Heidy e-mail is clicked open. on this list  

Hope that you find your information.

Catweasel aka Jud Evans.



Donald Turner quoth:

Hello folks.  I have lurked on the Heidegger list for years and have greatly
enjoyed the conversation.  (What ever happened to Catweasle, anyway?)  I
remember getting an announcement from SPOON regarding a Heidegger conference
(in Texas somewhere?) based on the theme of mystery / the uncanny.
Unfortunately, my computer crashed and this information was lost.  I'm
hoping someone here knows about  this conference and can direct me to more
information, the "call for papers", etc.  Thanks in advance for any helpful
information.   Please post the message here or email me directly at:

-Donald Turner

Hi Donald,

Your best bet is to go to the Spoon site at:

and do a search for the info on their in house search engine.


He started his own group together with Jon Neivens

and can be also be  read on the AIT (Analytical Indicant Theory) website at:

He is still a lurking member of this list ,but nowadays like you prefers to sit back and warm his hands on the constant stream of sparks which issue forth from the screen whenever a Heidy e-mail is clicked open. on this list  :-)

Hope that you find your information.

Catweasel aka Jud Evans.
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