File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 39

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2002 14:02:57 +0000
Subject: time takes
From: "Michael Pennamacoor" <>

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an untimely meditation

"Time takes a cigarette/ Puts it in your mouth/.../ Then another cigarette..." [Bowie
'Rock 'n Roll Suicide]

Things come to pass
And come again [and again...]
To pass again.

Timing [is]: the coming and the passing
But passing does not pass: it stays
And coming does not come: it has already come
To stay

Time: arriving and departing
In the stay
So that: things can come to pass
So that: things are

that's all folks
for the time being :-)




time takes
an untimely meditation

"Time takes a cigarette/ Puts it in your mouth/.../ Then another cigarette..." [Bowie 'Rock 'n Roll Suicide]

Things come to pass
And come again [and again...]
To pass again.

Timing [is]: the coming and the passing
But passing does not pass: it stays
And coming does not come: it has already come
To stay

Time: arriving and departing
In the stay
So that: things can come to pass
So that: things are

that's all folks
for the time being :-)

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