File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 53

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 09:59:47 EST
Subject: Re: Dasein


In a message dated 25/01/2002 12:43:58 GMT Standard Time, writes:

> Well said, this 'never isn't there', so evocatory of those deadpanning
> moments I suppose in every human life, at least in those awakened ones who
> in some moment or another are attempting to get beyond all the lines of
> escape and rather seek engagement with the real where this point eternally
> reaches its point (a 'place' for which all religions were created in order
> to avoid seeing this point), a point where the real becomes rock hard,
> frozen, inhuman, the real itself as a glass on the table yes,
> but only to us, as a real that IS a glass on the table and thus (eternally
> momentarily, or forever now) it is there AS a glass on the table, signing
> itself in by: "well, there is nothing to be done about it now"
> (versheenan). Yes, nothing to be done to be sure, but this nothing looms
> eternally up and fuses itself on to the dark heart of this alien glass
> (which is not a glass to itself but only to us) where it becomes something
> that is there without any attempt either to be there or to not be there and
> this alienness is even more stark when it is not a material 'object' that
> is laden down with all this massive "there.ity that is not there" but
> rather an inked "word" isolate inside an inked phrase, be it the word
> 'Dasein' or be it 'a word' that is "there" in, say, 'the bro's karamazov' -
> and all this 'never not there' applies only to the time it is there, as at
> another time, say, it 'becomes' a 'glass on the shelf' or 'a glass on the
> countertop', but the same immemorial fate awaits its eternal 'never isn't
> there' wherever it is. It is trapped tumescently inside the unique and
> frozen bulge of an oxymoronically burgeoning 'thereness', but it is a
> thereness that is and can only be in our mind (a neuronfired mind that is
> also 'never not there' but one that, in some moment or another, notices
> this). Or to say, the 'never not there' is trapped inside the moment of a
> premoment, a potential moment, one unrealized as yet and one never to be
> realized but one that is nevertheless 'the most real', as now and yet
> eternally this remains a 'real' [an actual that in itself is never ever to
> '' become] 'ized'.
> it's almost as if the eternal were eternally refreshing itself at the
> raging center of some non-psychotic moment, intersticed perhaps twixt all
> the psychotic moments constructed of a raging deadpanning malaise
> or not exactly, but sumpin like 'at - -
> -k
> I enjoyed that - a good piece of writing.

Jud Evans





In a message dated 25/01/2002 12:43:58 GMT Standard Time, writes:

Well said, this 'never isn't there', so evocatory of those deadpanning
moments I suppose in every human life, at least in those awakened ones who
in some moment or another are attempting to get beyond all the lines of
escape and rather seek engagement with the real where this point eternally
reaches its point (a 'place' for which all religions were created in order
to avoid seeing this point), a point where the real becomes rock hard,
frozen, inhuman, the real itself as a glass on the table yes,
but only to us, as a real that IS a glass on the table and thus (eternally
momentarily, or forever now) it is there AS a glass on the table, signing
itself in by: "well, there is nothing to be done about it now"
(versheenan). Yes, nothing to be done to be sure, but this nothing looms
eternally up and fuses itself on to the dark heart of this alien glass
(which is not a glass to itself but only to us) where it becomes something
that is there without any attempt either to be there or to not be there and
this alienness is even more stark when it is not a material 'object' that
is laden down with all this massive "there.ity that is not there" but
rather an inked "word" isolate inside an inked phrase, be it the word
'Dasein' or be it 'a word' that is "there" in, say, 'the bro's karamazov' -
and all this 'never not there' applies only to the time it is there, as at
another time, say, it 'becomes' a 'glass on the shelf' or 'a glass on the
countertop', but the same immemorial fate awaits its eternal 'never isn't
there' wherever it is. It is trapped tumescently inside the unique and
frozen bulge of an oxymoronically burgeoning 'thereness', but it is a
thereness that is and can only be in our mind (a neuronfired mind that is
also 'never not there' but one that, in some moment or another, notices
this). Or to say, the 'never not there' is trapped inside the moment of a
premoment, a potential moment, one unrealized as yet and one never to be
realized but one that is nevertheless 'the most real', as now and yet
eternally this remains a 'real' [an actual that in itself is never ever to
'' become] 'ized'.

it's almost as if the eternal were eternally refreshing itself at the
raging center of some non-psychotic moment, intersticed perhaps twixt all
the psychotic moments constructed of a raging deadpanning malaise

or not exactly, but sumpin like 'at - -


I enjoyed that - a good piece of writing.

Jud Evans


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