File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 55

Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 17:26:26 +0000
Subject: present and correct
From: "Michael Pennamacoor" <>

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Kenneth recently:

>it's almost as if the eternal were eternally refreshing itself at the
>raging center of some non-psychotic moment, intersticed perhaps twixt all
>the psychotic moments constructed of a raging deadpanning malaise

This "raging" "eternal ... eternally refreshing itself" is perhaps the presencing of the
present, the co-presence of everything present at the same time, all at different tempos
and delays (like mensuration canons). I want to get at this raging of the presencing of
what is present, to be present to that, to receive the gift of this continual giving of
what has not been asked for, the gift (possibly a poisonous venomosity of the german...),
that which presents itself, that presences at my front at my back behind and ahead of me,
restlessly, unrestingly, at its own behest. Have I been misunderstood?

Starting again. Being has been traditionally identified with presence (ousia, parousia),
with the whatness and thatness of presence (what being is present in its presence and that
some being is present (or not)). The focus has been on what emerges in its presence rather
than the emerging of what e-merges (from the 'merge', perhaps the 'apeiron' of Anaximander
[more of this some other time]). Such a presence of what is present was destined to arrive
at a specific destination: it becomes trans-lated to another present being --> presence as
a being --> something like 'substance', 'sub-ject', 'matter', even eventually the flat
darkling 'data', etc. Presence (of some present being) translates to the sign of some
present being that is always already present before and after every being.

Starting again. Present to me at this very moment is this word I am about to tap, here,
now, here it is, "presence", the word has escaped me and become a present thing. It
("presence") [is] present to me, it presents itself to me; its presence is undeniable;
"presence" has its presence (with and without its protective scare quotes). This (and
that, now it has escaped my tapping...) "presence" in my present (tense), in my presence,
shall be (from here, now) trans-mitted, sent to another set of presents... NO!!! not
another, since you, you are now in your present (tense) reading this word "presence", it
is present to you, it presents itself to you in its presence and says "I am "presence"".
Yes, read it! Chronologically, two (or more) times, two (or more) 'places' (I mean where
are you? when are you? you are my destination, the destiny of my message, the
to-be-present of my typographic "presence", you are present to my present (gift) of
"presence"): in this and that it has escaped, relayed itself betwixt two (or more)
presents, "presence" has been present and presented in multiply different and differing
(deferring) presents (tense): "presence" has come to pass and come again (and again...).
Whence the presencing of "presence"? "Presence" has presented itself as presencing in
various multiply presents and grantings; the sendings of "presence" is always differing
(deferring) from itself, in that it is destined to different presents (the when and the
where of the message "presence").

In this: the presencing of what is present is always ex-scaping it self as something
present and co-rect; it [is] difference or rather differencing. A raging discordance. A
nothing (being). Removing the scare quotes: presencing is nothing present, or, is
severally present, or ex-scapes the present(ing of itself). I cannot grasp this.

So inadequate, but...




present and correct Kenneth recently:

>it's almost as if the eternal were eternally refreshing itself at the
>raging center of some non-psychotic moment, intersticed perhaps twixt all
>the psychotic moments constructed of a raging deadpanning malaise

This "raging" "eternal ... eternally refreshing itself" is perhaps the presencing of the present, the co-presence of everything present at the same time, all at different tempos and delays (like mensuration canons). I want to get at this raging of the presencing of what is present, to be present to that, to receive the gift of this continual giving of what has not been asked for, the gift (possibly a poisonous venomosity of the german...), that which presents itself, that presences at my front at my back behind and ahead of me, restlessly, unrestingly, at its own behest. Have I been misunderstood?

Starting again. Being has been traditionally identified with presence (ousia, parousia), with the whatness and thatness of presence (what being is present in its presence and that some being is present (or not)). The focus has been on what emerges in its presence rather than the emerging of what e-merges (from the 'merge', perhaps the 'apeiron' of Anaximander [more of this some other time]). Such a presence of what is present was destined to arrive at a specific destination: it becomes trans-lated to another present being --> presence as a being --> something like 'substance', 'sub-ject', 'matter', even eventually the flat darkling 'data', etc. Presence (of some present being) translates to the sign of some present being that is always already present before and after every being.

Starting again. Present to me at this very moment is this word I am about to tap, here, now, here it is, "presence", the word has escaped me and become a present thing. It ("presence") [is] present to me, it presents itself to me; its presence is undeniable; "presence" has its presence (with and without its protective scare quotes). This (and that, now it has escaped my tapping...) "presence" in my present (tense), in my presence, shall be (from here, now) trans-mitted, sent to another set of presents... NO!!! not another, since you, you are now in your present (tense) reading this word "presence", it is present to you, it presents itself to you in its presence and says "I am "presence"". Yes, read it! Chronologically, two (or more) times, two (or more) 'places' (I mean where are you? when are you? you are my destination, the destiny of my message, the to-be-present of my typographic "presence", you are present to my present (gift) of "presence"): in this and that it has escaped, relayed itself betwixt two (or more) presents, "presence" has been present and presented in multiply different and differing (deferring) presents (tense): "presence" has come to pass and come again (and again...). Whence the presencing of "presence"? "Presence" has presented itself as presencing in various multiply presents and grantings; the sendings of "presence" is always differing (deferring) from itself, in that it is destined to different presents (the when and the where of the message "presence").

In this: the presencing of what is present is always ex-scaping it self as something present and co-rect; it [is] difference or rather differencing. A raging discordance. A nothing (being). Removing the scare quotes: presencing is nothing present, or, is severally present, or ex-scapes the present(ing of itself). I cannot grasp this.

So inadequate, but...

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