File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 66

Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 13:31:29 -0800
From: Kenneth Johnson <>
Subject: Re: Back from Travels

>I read half or so of what you wrote and I got the gist of it.

yea gulio it was painfully overstrained, i rushed it, should quit doin
that, a lot of its credible element disappeared inside the sloppiness of it
all even if one did get to its end without flushing a bit - -

but then, that's the price you pay for the rush(ing)

otherwise - no return shot, this points yers

"you make up your mind, you choose the chance you take,
you ride to where the highway ends, and the desert breaks
out onto an open road, you ride until the day
you learn to sleep at night, with the price you pay"

me i learned n i sleep good


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