File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 71

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 07:32:57 +0000
Subject: Re: "unknown quote" with accompanying ecstatic rave
From: "Michael Pennamacoor" <>

Kenneth on Allen on Kenneth recently:

>or, allen, it occurs me rhetorically to ask: are you searching for
>interpretations of 'the most real' as it is? or are you striving only after
>those interpretations of the most real that can somehow be made to fit
>somewhere within the half finished jigsaw of your psyche, of your
>or, phrased slightly different, do you try to fit yourself in to the most
>real as it is or do you try to make the most real fit in to you as you
>desire it.

Or, perhaps Allen is performing a take on the old chestnutting thing of saying to yourself
"sheep" (singular) and "sheep" (plural" and being attuned to the difference (although, I
also agree with you about the gentle nietzsche, his (non)saying you 'quoted' sounded more
proud and gay than aggressive and unfriendly; an other kind of friendship perhaps...).

Mostly this most intriguing (to these here ears) dialogue seems to be about identity (who
speaks?) and difference, and thus, we are indeed in Heidegger Country ... perhaps we
should treat 'quotes' from possible unknown (or known but unsaid) senders in the same way
that Heidegger treats the fragments from Anaximander et al :-).

We must learn to listen very care-fully to the thinking of the remote as it is sent to us
from whos and wheres and whens undecided as such...


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