File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0201, message 77

Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 20:45:17 EST
Subject: Re: Back from Travels


Hello Priest of Darkness,

I went to your hero's Crowley's 'Abbey of Thelema'  in Sicily once - a 
tumbledown cottage you couldn't swing a cat in.  The place was full of 
fosilised humn excreta,  with foul 'religious' porn  paintings that your 
'mentor'  had scrawled on the wall, (preserved by locals to show what he was 
really like.)  According to an old lady I spoke to,  the place was a den of 
vice - you name it - you've got it.
I have never entered into a more evil ambience in my whole life - worse than 
Auswitchz  (which I visited) - worse than the waxen horrors of Madame 
Tussauds  - worse than the photographs of Geoffrey Dahmer's (sp?) fridge.  
The place STUNK of religious craziness and evil. Don't talk to me of  this 
kind of 'religion' - you make me want to vomit! Shouldn't you be in  South 
West Cuba consoling your friends?

Kind regards,




Hello Priest of Darkness,

I went to your hero's Crowley's 'Abbey of Thelema'  in Sicily once - a tumbledown cottage you couldn't swing a cat in.  The place was full of fosilised humn excreta,  with foul 'religious' porn  paintings that your 'mentor'  had scrawled on the wall, (preserved by locals to show what he was really like.)  According to an old lady I spoke to,  the place was a den of vice - you name it - you've got it.
I have never entered into a more evil ambience in my whole life - worse than Auswitchz  (which I visited) - worse than the waxen horrors of Madame Tussauds  - worse than the photographs of Geoffrey Dahmer's (sp?) fridge.  The place STUNK of religious craziness and evil. Don't talk to me of  this kind of 'religion' - you make me want to vomit! Shouldn't you be in  South West Cuba consoling your friends?

Kind regards,

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