File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0206, message 47

Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 13:05:06 +0100
Subject: Re: whorls of a rambling mind

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Thus spake kenneth: 

> it's not that being is becoming, only becoming is becoming - and whether or
> if or no there "is" being somewhere, what could it possibly "be"
> -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> being is [conceptual] permanence, becoming is everchanging [hardcore
> reality], and since everything is everchanging, ergo - -

Yes, but, and I'm assuming that both Nietzsche and Kenneth choose their
words carefully: becoming is not simply (perpetual) change; becoming is a
coming to be, the coming of being, n'est pas? Even "everchanging" is
changing from an X to a Y (and thence to a Z, etc, etc); the be-coming of
power (its increase?) is a becoming more powerful of some quantum of power,
and since the world is nothing but the will-to-power, there must needs be
some stations of the cross in the be-coming... other wise the world would be
nothing, not even constellations of the will-to-power, just nothing.

Now, how does being come such that be-ing [is] be-coming?

One further point: the notion that "being is [conceptual] permanence" is
perhaps a metaphysical hypostatisisation [spelling] of being; mayhap think
be-ing as the coming to pass of what passes, the coming to stay of what
stays, the passing of what passes; coming and going...

Ever yours




Re: whorls of a rambling mind Thus spake kenneth:

> it's not that being is becoming, only becoming is becoming - and whether or
> if or no there "is" being somewhere, what could it possibly "be"
> -!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> being is [conceptual] permanence, becoming is everchanging [hardcore
> reality], and since everything is everchanging, ergo - -

Yes, but, and I'm assuming that both Nietzsche and Kenneth choose their
words carefully: becoming is not simply (perpetual) change; becoming is a
coming to be, the coming of being, n'est pas? Even "
everchanging" is
changing from an X to a Y (and thence to a Z, etc, etc); the be-coming of
power (its increase?) is a becoming more powerful of some quantum of power,
and since the world is nothing but the will-to-power, there must needs be
some stations of the cross in the be-coming... other wise the world would be
nothing, not even constellations of the will-to-power, just nothing.

Now, how does being come such that be-ing [is] be-coming?

One further point: the notion that "
being is [conceptual] permanence" is
perhaps a metaphysical hypostatisisation [spelling] of being; mayhap think
be-ing as the coming to pass of what passes, the coming to stay of what
stays, the passing of what passes; coming and going...

Ever yours

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