File spoon-archives/heidegger.archive/heidegger_2002/heidegger.0210, message 2

Date: Tue, 1 Oct 2002 09:42:47 EDT
Subject: Lost Message


Dear Gary,

I saw your message to the list this morning [with lots of others] and then 
left my computer to attend to something before reading it.  Whilst I was 
momentarily away from my desk Marius [aged 2] messed with the keyboard and 
all of this morning's mail vanished.  Could you kindly resend your message 


Jud Evans.



Dear Gary,

I saw your message to the list this morning [with lots of others] and then left my computer to attend to something before reading it.  Whilst I was momentarily away from my desk Marius [aged 2] messed with the keyboard and all of this morning's mail vanished.  Could you kindly resend your message please?


Jud Evans.
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